Michael Budnick

These projects serve as a concise showcase of my expertise and commitment to excellence. They are just a small testament to my capacity to create world-class applications in quality, performance, and security ready to meet and exceed your professional needs.

Personal Projects

PiHole Kubernetes Ansible Configuration


PiHole Kubernetes Ansible Configuration is an automation project designed to simplify the deployment and management of PiHole servers on a Kubernetes cluster. Leveraging Ansible, this playbook configures individual PiHole instances on hosts belonging to the 'piholes' group within the inventory. The servers, based on the docker-pi-hole image, are deployed on Kubernetes and exposed on port 53 using NodePort. This setup allows for efficient DNS filtering, and the Ansible playbook provides flexibility through easily configurable variables. Ideal for local network DNS management, this project ensures a straightforward and reproducible deployment of PiHole with minimal user intervention.

High-Availability Home K8s Cluster

Project Website


I've wanted to make a home Kubernetes cluster for a long time, with enough power to be meaningful and efficiently based on my personal needs. After naming your hosts correctly, and configuring Ansible on the network machine you will be running it from, one will upgrade the target hosts, apply a best practices security posture, and install a high-availabilty multi-architecture Kubernetes cluster with a single command! While straightforward in concept, this project has been a magnificent experience in learning about network and system administration, automation with Ansible and Kubespray, bash scripting, Keepalived, cable management, BIOS menus, networking, boot loading and more. Now I have my own home cluster, and can replicate it at will. I even got to make some custom 3D printed components, check it out!

Breathbox App

Android App

React-Native Repository

Now available in the Google Play Store!!! Breathbox is a single-page application that is thoughtfully engineered to facilitate the practice of the breath box technique with ease. The app is built with React-Native and Expo, which allows an app to be developed for Apple, Android or web simultaneously. The website had been built in React Native, and developed with Expo!

Breathbox Website


Github Repository

There is also a website version of the app deployed with Terraform and hosted with SSL security in a Microsoft Azure Storage Account. Both the App and Website utilize Typsecript as the language. The breath box technique, for the uninitiated, is a mindfulness practice that involves structured and rhythmic breathing patterns to promote relaxation and stress reduction. Breathbox is just a small example of my commitment to robust development practices and constant learning and improvement. The breath box technique, for the uninitiated, is a mindfulness practice that involves structured and rhythmic breathing patterns to promote relaxation and stress reduction. I invite you to make Breathbox a companion on yourjourney towards enhanced well-being and mindfulness!

This Website!


This straightforward website, while presenting an unassuming exterior with its use of native CSS and static HTML for the front-end, conceals a sophisticated infrastructure that exemplifies industry-standard Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) technologies. Beneath the surface, it includes both unit and scheduled end-to-end Cypress testing, which are run against a pre-production "staging" environment before deployment to "prod", where they are run again and will trigger a rollback to a stable version if they fail in prod for whatever reason. This is all seamlessly orchestrated with a GitHub Workflow (source) whenever user-facing changes are pushed to the main branch. The infrastructure for this website is provisioned using the Typescript AWS CDK library and served securely with TLS/HTTPS through Route53. All content is delivered and cached efficiently via CloudFront Distribution.

Kuychi Khipu Game

Live Website


Khipu game is a Phaser creation that I worked on in collaboration with the Kuychi Project. The project was founded to spread bilingualism and cultural exchange between the Spanish and Quechua speaking populations in Peru. This game is a simple platformer with enemies that is an introduction to the Quechua language, teaching the numbers 1 - 10. I was brought in to help modernize the game to the latest version and Phaser, in the hopes of creating a mobile app of the game. That would require a responsive version of the game, which is currently being researched and scoped.

Breathbox CSS


Github Repository

This is a simple minimalistic revisit of the breathbox animation! I wanted to make something in CSS native, so I came up with this design, which uses webkit-animation and keyframes to step through changes to width, height, top, left and border-radius, with a border: 2px solid white; in the middle of the AI-generated image. It looks really great, and with the addition of a slider and a smattering of JQuery, we have a really powerful, but minimalistic tool for practising mindfulness and healthy breathig techniques! Give it a try!